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Showing posts from November, 2018

Struggles and breaking point

well, it's been a while... So much has happened since my first (and last) post. Life has happened and its got in the way, in the way of my well being emotionally, physically and mentally. We had birthdays, we put our house up for sale, then we had snow, then we had more birthdays followed by more snow. We had a business, we had a struggling business, I had a job, I had a job i was struggling in. I had a husband, I had a husband who was struggling, I was a wife, i was a struggling wife. We had kids, they were struggling but we had so much going on ourselves we kind of missed their struggle. I took on another business, it was doing well, I failed it miserably because i was struggling so much. We took on another business to enable the shackles of the struggling business to be removed from our entire beings. We took a break away and I broke, my child broke and my husband had broken. The moment hit us, we knew change was required. The bike shop had to go. My job had to go. My home bus